
Revision as of 14:50, 31 August 2018 by imported>Scrivener07

Time Functions

These are some helper functions you can use to work with time in the game. I offer three ways of starting them off, as the functions will require any of the three methods.

The first method is through GetCurrentGameTime - Utility. It does the same thing as the Global GameDaysPassed only a little slower.

Float daysPassed = Utility.GetCurrentGameTime()

The second method is through the global.

GlobalVariable property GameDaysPassed auto

The last method is through GetFormFromFile and pulls the global instead of making it a property.

Float daysPassed = (Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000039, "Fallout4.ESM") as GlobalVariable).GetValue()

Using any of them, you pass into the arguments where needed for the following function:

Float Function GetGameTime(Float afDaysPassed) Global
    ; Returns the number of hours passed for the current day.
    Float gameTime = (afDaysPassed - afDaysPassed as int) * 24.0
    if gameTime > 12.00
	return gameTime - 12.00

    return gameTime

This function requires the return value from GetGameTime() above.

Float Function GetCurrentInGameTime(Float afGameTime) Global
    ; Returns the actual in game time. h.mm0000

    return afGameTime as int + ((((afGameTime - afGameTime as int) * 60.0) as int) / 100.0)

String Function GetCurrentDayOfWeek(Float afDaysPassed) Global
    ; Returns the day of week. Returns an empty string if something went wrong.
    Int dayOfWeek = afDaysPassed as int % 7
    if dayOfWeek == 0
        return "Sunday"
    elseif dayOfWeek == 1
	return "Monday"
    elseif dayOfWeek == 2
	return "Tuesday"
    elseif dayOfWeek == 3
	return "Wednesday"
    elseif dayOfWeek == 4
	return "Thursday"
    elseif dayOfWeek == 5
	return "Friday"
    elseif dayOfWeek == 6
	return "Saturday"

    return ""

Functions for returning units of time since 10.28.2287. 30.416667 is used because Fallout 4 does not have leap years and thus always has common years(365 days).

Float Function GetMonthsPassed(Float afDaysPassed) Global
    ; Returns the number of month passed since game start.
    return afDaysPassed / 30.416667

Float Function GetWeeksPassed(Float afDaysPassed) Global
    ; Returns the number of weeks passed since game start.
    return afDaysPassed / 7

Float Function GetTotalHoursPassed(Float afDaysPassed) Global
    ; Returns the total number of hours passed since game start.
    return afDaysPassed * 24.0

Float Function GetTotalMinutesPassed(Float afDaysPassed) Global
    ; Returns the total number of minutes passed since game start.
    return afDaysPassed * 24.0 * 60.0

Float Function GetTotalSecondsPassed(Float afDaysPassed) Global
    ; Returns the total number of seconds passed since game start.
    return afDaysPassed * 24.0 * 60 * 60.0
