ShowPerkVaultBoyOnHUD - Game

Revision as of 02:43, 9 June 2016 by imported>Gurgate

Member of: Game Script

Plays the specified Perk VaultBoy Swf and sound on the HUD.


Function ShowPerkVaultBoyOnHUD(string aVaultBoySwf, Sound aSoundDescriptor = None) native global


  • aVaultBoySwf: the name of the swf file to play. Should end with ".swf"
  • aSoundDescriptor: the sound that goes along with the animation.
    • Default: None

Return Value



; We've triggered the Idiot Savant perk!
Game.ShowPerkVaultBoyOnHUD("Components\\VaultBoys\\Perks\\PerkClip_1d245e.swf", perkSound)


  • SWFs used this way do not seem to support all the features that can be used elsewhere. For example, and SWF which has its frames made out of PNGs with alpha blending will display as a solid colour, even though the same SWF will display just fine in the PipBoy perk screen. One quick solution for this is to use the Trace Bitmap feature in Flash and generate a separate SWF for use in the HUD, but it will result in jagged edges.

See Also