CheckLocationAgainstArray - CommonArrayFunctions
Member of: CommonArrayFunctions Script
Checks to see if the specified location is in the array, or optionally is a child of one of the locations in the array.
bool Function CheckLocationAgainstArray(Location ObjectToCheck, Location[] ArrayToCheck, \
bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty = false, bool matchIfChildLocation = false) global
- ObjectToCheck: The Location we are looking for
- ArrayToCheck: The Location array we are looking in
- returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty: If the array is empty, return this.
- Default: False
- matchIfChildLocation: If true, will check each location to see if ObjectToCheck is a child of the location
- Default: False
Return ValueEdit
- True: If the ObjectToCheck is one of the locations in ArrayToCheck (or a child, if matchIfChildLocation)
- False: If the ObjectToCheck has not one of the locations in ArrayToCheck (and not a child, if matchIfChildLocation)
- False: If ObjectToCheck is None
- returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty: If ArrayToCheck is Empty/None
if CommonArrayFunctions.CheckLocationAgainstArray(PlayerLocation, DiamondCityLocations, matchIfChildLocation = true)
Debug.Trace("Player is in a diamond city location! (or a child thereof)")