
Default script used for checking if this reference has been equipped, and optionally who equipped it.

Required PropertiesEdit

Quest MyQuest
{Quest containing the Stage to Set}

Int StageToSet
{Stage to Set}

Optional PropertiesEdit

Bool PlayerEquippedOnly
{If set to TRUE (DEFAULT) then this stage will only set if Equipped by the player.
If set to FALSE, and all arrays are empty, then the stage is set if Equipped by anybody.}

ObjectReference[] EquippedByReferences
{OPTIONAL: Stage will be set if Equipped by any of these references.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Equipped by anybody.}

ReferenceAlias[] EquippedByAliases
{OPTIONAL: Stage will be set if Equipped by any of these aliases.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Equipped by anybody.}

Faction[] EquippedByFactions
{OPTIONAL: Stage will be set if Equipped by any of these factions.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Equipped by anybody.}

Debug PropertiesEdit

Bool ShowTraces
{Default = FALSE, Set to TRUE if you want the traces in this script to show up in the log.}