GetMappedKey - Input
F4SE Member of: Input Script
Requires F4SE version 0.3.1 or higher.
Returns the keycode bound to a control for given device.
int Function GetMappedKey(string control, int deviceType = 0xFF) global native
- asControl: a string for the control you wish to get the mapped key for.
Valid controls:
"Forward", "Back", "Strafe Left", "Strafe Right", "Move", "Look", "Left Attack/Block", "Right Attack/Block" "Activate", "Ready Weapon", "Tween Menu", "Toggle POV", "Zoom Out", "Zoom In", "Jump", "Sprint", "Shout", "Sneak", "Run", "Toggle Always Run", "Auto-Move", "Favorites", "Hotkey1", "Hotkey2", "Hotkey3", "Hotkey4", "Hotkey5", "Hotkey6", "Hotkey7", "Hotkey8", "Quicksave", "Quickload", "Wait", "Journal", "Pause", "Screenshot", "Multi-Screenshot", "Console", "CameraPath", "Quick Inventory", "Quick Magic", "Quick Stats", "Quick Map"
- aiDeviceType: an integer corresponding to the device you request the mapped key tied to the specified control.
Valid device types: (default) auto detect
0 keyboard
1 mouse
2 gamepad
Return ValueEdit
- Returns the scan code corresponding to the control's mapped key.
Input.GetMappedKey("Jump", 2) ; my XBOX controller uses this key for "Jump"!