OnCripple - Actor

Member of: Actor Script

Event called when this actor has a limb that goes from healthy to crippled or crippled to healthy.


Event OnCripple(ActorValue akActorValue, bool abCrippled)


  • asLimbName: The name of the Actor Value associated with the limb that raised the OnCripple event.
  • abCrippled: True if the limb just went from healthy to crippled, False if the limb went from crippled to healthy.


Event OnCripple(ActorValue akActorValue, bool abCrippled)
	Debug.Trace("OnCripple Received: " + akActorValue+ ", " + abCrippled)

Other NotesEdit

  • Each Race form has a BodyPartData property, which consists of a table of BodyPart entries.
  • Each individual BodyPart represents a portion of the body that can be crippled (a 'limb'), and can be associated with an Actor Value.
    • Only Body Part Condition Actor Values (eg. BrainCondition) can be associated with limbs.
    • If no Actor Value is associated with a limb, the limb will not fire an OnCripple Event when it becomes crippled.
  • The Actor Value associated with a limb determines when it becomes crippled.
    • The Actor Value is always initialized to 100 (meaning 100%).
    • The Actor Value is reduced when the creature takes damage to that limb (in normal combat or VATS).
    • When the Actor Value falls to or below 0, the limb becomes crippled, and this event will be sent.
    • Should the Actor Value later rise above 0, the limb becomes un-crippled, and this event will be sent.
    • Body Part Condition Actor Values can be manipulated through all of the usual Actor Value functions (GetAV, DamageAV, RestoreAV, etc.), and doing so will trigger this event correctly.

See AlsoEdit