OnDistanceLessThan - ScriptObject
Member of: ScriptObject
Event called when two objects are less then the registered distance apart - if this script is registered for it.
This event will only be sent to the specific script that registered for it. Other scripts attached to the same form/alias/active magic effect will not receive the event unless they also register.
Event OnDistanceLessThan(ObjectReference akObj1, ObjectReference akObj2, float afDistance)
- akObj1: The first ObjectReference which the distance check was performed on.
- akObj2: The second ObjectReference which the distance check was performed on.
- afDistance: The exact distance between the two objects at the time the event fired.
Function SomeFunction()
RegisterForDistanceLessThanEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), Bird) ; Before we can use OnDistanceLessThan we must register.
Event OnDistanceLessThan(ObjectReference akObj1, ObjectReference akObj2, float afDistance)
;/ If other registrations had been done, we would want to check the objects
But since we only registered for one we know what it is /;
Debug.Trace("Player is now " + afDistance + " units away from the bird - fly away!")
- The two objects are interchangeable. They always match the order they were registered in, assuming someone else didn't register with the opposite order first.
- Aliases and quests will automatically unregister for this event when the quest stops. Active magic effects will automatically unregister when they are removed.