RaidTargetsAvailable - ObjectReference
Member of: ObjectReference Script
If this is a workshop NPC, checks to see if the OpenWorkshopSettlementsMenuEx will find any valid workshops.
int Function RaidTargetsAvailable(Keyword akActionKW, Message astrConfirm = None, \
Location aLocToHighlight = None, FormList akIncludeKeywordList = None, FormList akExcludeKeywordList = None, \
bool abExcludeZeroPopulation = false, bool abOnlyOwnedWorkshops= true, bool abTurnOffHeader= false, \
bool abOnlyPotentialVassalSettlements= false, bool abDisableReservedByQuests = false) native
- akActionKW: Qualifier keyword that will get passed back to scripts to signify how to act on workshop data.
- astrConfirm : Optional confirm message to show in menu. If None, default message is used.
- Default: None
- aLocToHighlight : Optional starting location to highlight. If None, first location in list is highlighted.
- Default: None
- akIncludeKeywordList: Optional Qualifier formlist of keywords that settlements to include have.
- Default: None
- akExcludeKeywordList: Optional Qualifier formlist of keywords that settlements to exclude have.
- Default: None
- abExcludeZeroPopulation: Optional Qualifier flag that if true will remove workshops with zero population from the list.
- Default: false
- abOnlyOwnedWorkshops: Optional Qualifier flag that if true will only show owned workshops.
- Default: true
- abTurnOffHeader: Optional Qualifier flag that if true will turn off the header text.
- Default: false
- abOnlyPotentialVassalSettlements: Optional Qualifier flag that if true will only show vassal settlements.
- Default: false
- abDisableReservedByQuests: Optional Qualifier flag that if true will only show vassal settlements.
- Default: false
Return ValueEdit
Returns number of valid settlements.