SnapIntoInteraction - Actor
Member of: Actor Script
Near-instantly snap this actor into/onto a furniture/mount.
bool Function SnapIntoInteraction(ObjectReference akTarget) native
- akTarget: the furniture or mount to snap this actor into/onto. Please note this will just fail if the furniture is in use or the actor's "seat" on the mount is occupied.
Return ValueEdit
True if it succeeds, false if it fails.
; Snap the dude into furniture
if TheDude.SnapIntoInteraction(Furniture)
Debug.Trace("We got into the furniture...")
- The actor will pop, so try not to do this at a time when the player could be watching.
- This will not work if the actor has no loaded 3d! (IE, is not in the loaded area) If the actor you want to snap is outside the loaded area, you will have to disable them, move them, and re-enable them.