UnregisterForCustomEvent - ScriptObject
Member of: ScriptObject Script
Unregisters this script from receive the specified custom event from the source object whenever that source object sends the event. This will only unregister this script and not any other script attached to the same form, or alias or magic effect.
Function UnregisterForCustomEvent(ScriptObject akEventSource, CustomEventName asEventName) native
- akEventSource: The ScriptObject that receives the event we no longer want to receive.
- asEventName: The custom event we do not want relayed to us. This must be a raw string literal and may not be a variable.
Return ValueEdit
; Stop receiving Ambush events from the ambush trigger
UnregisterForCustomEvent(kAmbushTrigger, "Ambush")
Aliases and quests will automatically unregister for this event when the quest stops. Active magic effects will automatically unregister when they are removed.