
Default script that simply activates itself once the player enters this trigger, can optionally be triggered by specific refs, aliases, or factions.

Optional PropertiesEdit

bool PlayerOnly
{Only Player Triggers?  Default: TRUE
Must be FALSE if you put anything in the arrays.}

int PlayerMinLevel
{If set, player must be >= PlayerMinLevel to activate this}

ObjectReference[] TriggeredByReferences
{Activation will occur if Triggered by any of these references.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Triggered by anybody.}

ReferenceAlias[] TriggeredByAliases
{Activation will occur if Triggered by any of these aliases.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Triggered by anybody.}

Faction[] TriggeredByFactions
{Activation will occur if Triggered by any of these factions.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Triggered by anybody.}