GetActors - EncounterZone

Member of: EncounterZone Script

Gets an array of instantiated Actors (across all process levels) who belong to this encounter zone. Skips over dead, disabled, or deleted actors. Can optionally specify a keyword they MUST have, and/or a keyword they must NOT have.


Actor[] Function GetActors( apRequiredLinkedRefKeyword = None, apExcludeLinkedRefKeyword = None ) native


  • apRequiredLinkedRefKeyword: Keyword that actors MUST have, in order to be added to this array. If None, don't require any keyword.
    • Default: None
  • apExcludeLinkedRefKeyword: Keyword that actors must NOT have, in order to be added to this array. If None, don't exclude on the basis of any keyword.
    • Default: None

Return ValueEdit

An array of all instantiated Actors (across all process levels) who belong to this encounter zone (and meet the require/exclude keyword criteria).


;Get a list of all instantiated Actors (across all process levels) non-"lookout" actors in the encounter zone "Warehouse101"
Actor[] warehouseActors = Warehouse101Zone.GetActors( None, LookoutKeyword )

See AlsoEdit