OnItemRemoved - ObjectReference

Member of: ObjectReference Script

Event received when an item is removed from this object's container. Only arrives if it matches an inventory filter in place on the script receiving the event.


Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)


  • akBaseItem: The base object for the item that was removed from this container.
  • aiItemCount: The number of items removed from this container.
  • akItemReference: The specific reference removed from the container, if any. Will be None if a non-persistant object is removed.
  • akDestContainer: The container that the object(s) went to. If None, then the object was dropped into the world.


Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
  if !akDestContainer
    Debug.Trace("I dropped " + aiItemCount + "x " + akBaseItem + " into the world")
  elseif akDestContainer == Game.GetPlayer()
    Debug.Trace("I gave the player " + aiItemCount + "x " + akBaseItem)
    Debug.Trace("I gave " + aiItemCount + "x " + akBaseItem + " to another container")


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