OnPartialCripple - Actor

Member of: Actor Script

Event called when this actor has a limb that goes from healthy to "partially crippled" or "partially crippled" to healthy.

The concept of partial crippling was created for robots, to provide an intermediate limb damage state, so that we can for instance play different hit effects.

This concept currently applies only to actors whose race has the "Use Subsegment Damage" flag set.


Event OnPartialCripple(ActorValue akActorValue, bool abCrippled)


  • asLimbName: The name of the Actor Value associated with the limb that raised the OnPartialCripple event.
  • abCrippled: True if the limb just went from healthy to partially crippled, False if the limb went from partially crippled to healthy.


Event OnPartialCripple(ActorValue akActorValue, bool abCrippled)
	Debug.Trace("OnPartialCripple Received: " + akActorValue+ ", " + abCrippled)

Other NotesEdit

  • The Actor Value at which the limb becomes partially crippled is currently specified via a GameSetting: iPartialCrippleAV (default 30).
  • Each Race form has a BodyPartData property, which consists of a table of BodyPart entries.
  • Each individual BodyPart represents a portion of the body that can be crippled (a 'limb'), and can be associated with an Actor Value.
    • Only Body Part Condition Actor Values (eg. BrainCondition) can be associated with limbs.
    • If no Actor Value is associated with a limb, the limb will not fire an OnPartialCripple Event when it becomes crippled.
  • The Actor Value associated with a limb determines when it becomes crippled.
    • The Actor Value is always initialized to 100 (meaning 100%).
    • The Actor Value is reduced when the creature takes damage to that limb (in normal combat or VATS).
    • When the Actor Value falls to or below iPartialCrippleAV, the limb becomes partially crippled, and this event will be sent.
    • Should the Actor Value later rise above iPartialCrippleAV, the limb becomes un-partially-crippled, and this event will be sent.
    • Body Part Condition Actor Values can be manipulated through all of the usual Actor Value functions (GetAV, DamageAV, RestoreAV, etc.), and doing so will trigger this event correctly.

See AlsoEdit