Search & Replace

The Search & Replace window will search for objects and replace them with others. The window can be found under the title bar menu, Edit -> Search & Replace...

Editor WindowEdit


  • Flags: Select one of the following.
    • Current World Only: Replace all objects in the currently loaded WorldSpace. Does not work in interiors, an exterior cell must be selected in the Render Window.
    • Current Cell Only: Replace all objects in the current Cell.
    • Selection Only: Only replace the current reference selected in the Render Window. Checked by default.

Single Form ReplaceEdit


  • Search for: Drop-down listing all objects in the game. If a reference was selected in the render window, its base ID will be listed here.
  • Replace with: The base object ID to replace the reference with. If a reference was selected in the render window, the next item in the list alphabetically will be listed here.
  • Same base object type only:

Wildcard ReplaceEdit

The Wildcard Replace tab will search for References matching the Search for expression, and then replace them with a set of Forms matching the Replace with expression. The images show how to replace all varieties of Corn with Razorgrain within the currently loaded Cell.


  • Search for: The wildcard expression to search for.
  • Replace with: The wildcard expression to replace with.



  • Replaced references will retain any data attached.

See AlsoEdit