SendCustomEvent - ScriptObject

Member of: ScriptObject Script

Sends the specified custom event to any scripts that have registered for it. The event must be defined in our script or in one of our parent scripts. This function returns immediately, not waiting for any of the receivers.


Function SendCustomEvent(CustomEventName asEventName, Var[] akArgs = None) native


  • asEventName: The event to send. This must be a raw string literal and may not be a variable.
  • akArgs: The array of arguments to send to the receivers.
    • Default: None

Return ValueEdit



; Define the custom event "Ambush" in this script
CustomEvent Ambush

Event OnActivate(ObjectReference akSource)
  ; Send the Ambush event to anyone listening with no arguments
  ; Send the Ambush event with two arguments
  Var[] kargs = new Var[2]
  kargs[0] = akSource
  kargs[1] = 4.2
  SendCustomEvent("Ambush", kargs)


  • The event you send must be defined using "CustomEvent <name>" somewhere in your script (outside a function, property, or event definition) before you can send it, and before anyone else can register for it.
  • This function returns immediately, the receivers receiving the event as if it was a game event and running their events in parallel. It will not wait for those receivers (if any) to finish running their event blocks.

See AlsoEdit