SetINIBool - Utility

Member of: Utility Script

Sets a boolean value in the Fallout 4 Initialization Files (.ini).


Function SetINIBool(string ini, bool value) native global debugOnly


  • ini: The .ini setting name and section. For example, bSettingName:SectionName.
  • value: The boolean value to assign the setting.

Return ValueEdit



; Set the "bRandomSetting" in the "[CoolSettings]" section to true
Utility.SetINIBool("bRandomSetting:CoolSettings", true)


This function can only change the values of pre-defined ini settings in Fallout4.ini and Fallout4Prefs.ini and only during the current game session. It cannot create new settings and does not save them to an ini file. There is also no guarantee the game will ever read the value again past initial load, so changing it may have no effect.

See AlsoEdit