This function will show quest variables.
ShowQuestVars QuestID [PapyrusFilter] SQV QuestID [PapyrusFilter]
sqv MQ101
Shows all of the variables and alises associated with the MQ101 quest, as well as general quest information.
sqv MQ101 "On"
Shows only the variables and properties in all scripts on the MQ101 quest with "On" in their name.
sqv MQ101 "101.On"
Shows only the variables and properties with "On" in their name in scripts with "101" in their name.
sqv MQ101 "101.*"
Shows all variables and properties in scripts with "101" in their name.
The papyrus filter supports wildcards like "*" and "?". "*" wildcards will be implicitly added on the beginning and end of the filter for you, so "On" will match "On", "TurnOn", "TurnOnAndKeep", or even "Gone". If you supply a "." the word in front of the "." denotes the script name (with implicit "*" wildcards) to filter by, and the word after the "." specifies the variable name.