SplineTranslateToRef - ObjectReference

Member of: ObjectReference Script

Makes the object translate to the passed reference (matching position and rotation) at the given speed using a spline.


Function SplineTranslateToRef(ObjectReference arTarget, float afTangentMagnitude, float afSpeed, float afMaxRotationSpeed = 0.0)
	SplineTranslateTo(arTarget.X, arTarget.Y, arTarget.Z, arTarget.GetAngleX(), arTarget.GetAngleY(), arTarget.GetAngleZ(), afTangentMagnitude, afSpeed, afMaxRotationSpeed)


  • arTarget: The target to match position and rotation to
  • afTangentMagnitude: Magnitude of the spline tangents
  • afSpeed: Movement Speed in game units per second. afSpeed is clamped to a minimum of 1.0
  • afMaxRotationSpeed: The maximum rotation speed (Default is 0 to mean "don't clamp rotation speed")
    • Default: 0

Return ValueEdit



; Translate the bird ref to the rock with a low spline magnitude and speed
Bird.SplineTranslateToRef(Rock, 1.0, 1.0)

; Translate the bird ref to the rock with a low spline magnitude and speed, and low rotation speed
Bird.SplineTranslateToRef(Rock, 1.0, 1.0, 10)

See AlsoEdit