
Type: ZOOM
Papyrus: None

The ZoomData object is used by Weapons and Object Mods to define how a Weapon should appear while looking through scopes and sights.

Editor DialogEdit

  • ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
  • FOV Mult: The field of view multiplier to apply while zoomed.
  • Overlay: The crosshair overlay art to apply while zoomed.
  • Imagespace Modifier: The ImagespaceModifier to apply while zoomed.
  • Camera Offset
    • x: The camera offset on the X axis to apply while zoomed.
    • y: The camera offset on the Y axis to apply while zoomed.
    • z: The camera offset on the Z axis to apply while zoomed.

See AlsoEdit