PlaceAtMe - ObjectReference
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Member of: ObjectReference Script
Makes X new references of the passed in form, optionally forcing them to persist, and places them at our reference's location, returning the last one it created.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
ObjectReference Function PlaceAtMe(Form akFormToPlace, int aiCount = 1,
bool abForcePersist = false, bool abInitiallyDisabled = false, bool abDeleteWhenAble = true) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- akFormToPlace: The base form to create references of.
- Note: the akFormToPlace can be things such as MiscObject, ActorBase, etc...
- aiCount: How many references to make at once.
- Default: 1
- Caution: Only the last reference created is returned.
- abForcePersist: True to force the created reference to be persistent.
- Default: False
- abInitiallyDisabled: True to force the reference to be initially disabled
- Default False
- abDeleteWhenAble: True to force the reference to be deleted as soon as it is no longer persisted by a property or quest and is no longer in the loaded area.
- Default True
Return Value[edit | edit source]
The last ObjectReference that was created. Or None if no references could be created for some reason.
Examples[edit | edit source]
; Place a new box at the target marker
ObjectReference newBox = TargetMarker.PlaceAtMe(BoxBase)
; Place a two new boxes at the target marker
ObjectReference oneOfTheBoxes = TargetMarker.PlaceAtMe(BoxBase, 2)
Notes[edit | edit source]
If you want to place a leveled actor, you probably want PlaceActorAtMe - ObjectReference.