Data Window
The Data Window allows the Creation Kit to load Data Files and edit their meta data.
The window can be found under the title bar menu, File -> Data...
When you are using the Creation Kit, the records that you have edited in the current active file will be marked with a *.
When you have changed or added many different records, you sometimes want to see these records in 1 list. To do so...
- Make sure your file is saved to disk.
- Then navigate to Files -> Data... from the main toolbar. You'll see a similar dialog to that picture in Fig 1, below.
- Highlight your file in the left pane, and press the Details... button. A popup box will then show the full list of records that your plugin adds or changes.
- DataFilesDialog01.jpg
Fig. 1: Select any file and choose the Details... button.
Note: If you see some records listed that you didn't intend to change, you can highlight them in the popup box and press the delete key. This will mark them with an I for ignored. The ignored records will be purged from your file the next time you save it.
The above method is the only way to get a full listing within the Creation Kit of your changes to a master files records, and additional records your plugin creates. It's worth noting that your additional records will have FormID's that are higher than those of the master files. The first 2 characters count up for each file loaded. So sorting by FormID, by clicking the column heading, becomes a useful tool too.
Editor Window
- Plugin/Master Files: A list of Data Files found in the data folder.
- Set as Active File: Sets the selected plugins Status to Active.
- Details...: Opens the File Details window.
- Created By: The author's name.
- Summary: A summary description of this Data File.
- Created On: The date & time this file was created on the file system.
- Last Modified: The date & time this file was last modified on the file system.
- Parent Masters: A list of master Data Files for the selected plugin.
- OK: Pressing ok will reload the entire editor with the selected Data Files and their masters.
- Cancel: Closes this window.
File Details
More Info
This window is very tall and so requires some Microsoft Windows shortcuts to navigate. With the More Info window focused, press the Alt+Spacebar keys together to open the System Menu. Select the Move option and press the ↑ & ↑ arrow keys to navigate.