
Revision as of 21:27, 2 November 2017 by imported>Qazaaq

Type: CLAS
Papyrus: Class Script

The Class form allows you to specify how an Actor will distribute the attribute and skill bonuses they gain based on their level. It also affects a few other systems, such as bleedout for essential actors and skill training for trainers.

Editor Dialog


  • ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
  • Full Name: This object's name as it will appear within user interface menus or when the player looks at it.
  • Description: The object's description as it will appear within user interface menus.
  • Menu Image: The Texture File to use for a menu image. This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game. This property is depreciated, obsolete, or does not appear to be used by the game.
  • Bleedout Default: If the actor is essential or protected, and their health falls below this ratio, they enter the bleedout state and drop to one knee until their health recovers. A value of 0.1 means that bleedout will occur when the actor's health falls below 10%.
  • Base Actor Values: A collection of Actor Values this class is based on.
    • Actor Value: The Actor Value to use.
    • Number: The amount to change the actor value by represented as a float.


  • A Class is used on the actor stats tab.
  • A Class is only applicable to NPC Actors. A class has no meaning for the player actor.

See Also