Template:Perk Entry Point

Revision as of 05:46, 12 October 2023 by Augoeides (talk | contribs)

These are the Perk Entry Points used by human Actors.

Entry Point Description
Activate Adds a new choice to show in addition to the normal activation prompt
  • Button Label: The button text for the new choice.
  • Run Immediately: If checked, there is no selection menu. This is run in addition to the default activation.
  • Replace Default: This is run in place of the default activation.
  • Apply Spell: The contact spell to apply to the target.
  • Script fragment has parameters:
    • akTargetRef: the object reference that was activated.
    • akActor: the actor that did the activation (perk owner).
Add Leveled List On Death Add Leveled List: The specified LeveledItem list to add to the target upon death.
Apply Bashing Spell Applies a spell to the target when the perk owner successfully bashes him/her (with a shield or weapon). Does not appear to work in Fallout 4, and is not used by any vanilla perks.
  • As of Skyrim, the spell archetype must be Fire and Forget - Contact, Constant Effect - Contact, or Constant Effect - Self
Apply Bloody Mess Spell Applies a spell (to whom?) when the perk owner successfully triggers the Bloody Mess effect upon killing an enemy.
Apply Combat Hit Spell Applies a spell to the target when the perk owner successfully hits him/her in combat.
  • In a change from Skyrim, bullets count as hits for the purpose of this entry point.
Apply Reanimate Spell Applies a spell to all actors reanimated by the perk owner. (However, see talk page)
  • As of Skyrim, the spell archetype must be Fire and Forget - Contact, Constant Effect - Contact, or Constant Effect - Self
Apply Sneaking Spell Applies a spell to the owner while sneaking. Beothia's Ebony Mail is a good example of this.
  • As of Skyrim, the spell archetype must be Fire and Forget - Contact, Constant Effect - Contact, or Constant Effect - Self
Apply Weapon Swing Spell Targets attacking the perk owner appear to gain a perk with 'Apply Combat Hit Spell' using the specified spell.
  • As of Skyrim, the spell archetype must be Fire and Forget - Contact, Constant Effect - Contact, or Constant Effect - Self
Get Component Radar Distance Modifies the distance at which containers with desired components are highlighted with the Pip-Boy UI color. If the value is zero, there is no highlighting.
Ignore Broken Lock
Ignore Running During Detection If set to a non-zero value, the perk owner's running will be as quiet as sneaking.
Invest In Vendor Modifies the amount of caps the perk owner can invest in vendors to improve their prices. If the value is zero (or, presumably, negative), then the perk owner cannot invest in vendors.
Mod Actor Grenade Speed Mult
Mod Actor Scope Stability
Mod Addiction Chance Modifies the chance that the perk owner will develop an addiction when taking a chem. The typical setup when creating chems (as seen in the "AddictionManager" perk) is to create an "addiction" actor value for your chem, and set this perk to add that actor value * 0.01 to the input value. Alternatively, a perk can modify the chance for all chems, as seen in "PA_BloodCleanser".
Mod Addiction Duration
Mod Alchemy Effectiveness
Mod Ammo Health Mult For ammo items that have "health" (i.e. Fusion Cores), scales how much health they have when used by the perk owner. Setting the value to 110 would make Fusion Cores last 10% longer.
Mod Armor Rating
Mod Armor Weight Modifies the weight of armor currently worn by the perk owner.
Mod Auto Hacking Chance
Mod Auto Lockpicking Chance
Mod Bash Critical Chance Modifies the chance that a bash attack by the perk owner will be a critical hit.
Mod Bashing Damage Modifies the damage done by the perk owner's bash attacks.
Mod Book Actor Value Bonus
Mod Bow Zoom
Mod Breath Timer Modifies how long the perk owner can breathe underwater.
Mod Bribe Amount
Mod Buy Prices Modifies the prices of items offered to the perk owner.
Mod Charisma Challenge Chance Modifies the perk owner's chances to pass a Charisma-based dialogue challenge.
Mod Commanded Actor Limit
Mod Cone-of-fire Mult Modifies the perk owner's hipfire accuracy. Lower values are more accurate.
Mod Critical Charge Mult on Ricochet
Mod Detection Light Modifies how easily the perk owner can be detected as a result of their light level. The Sneak Bobblehead makes the player "10% harder to detect" by multiplying both this and Mod Detection Movement by 0.9.
Mod Detection Movement Modifies how easily the perk owner can be detected as a result of their movement. The Sneak Bobblehead makes the player "10% harder to detect" by multiplying both this and Mod Detection Light by 0.9.
Mod Detection Sneak Skill
Mod Drawn Weapon Weight Speed Effect
Mod Enchantment Power
Mod Enemy Critical Hit Chance
Mod Exp Modifies all EXP earned by the perk owner.
Mod Exp Location Modifies the EXP earned by the perk owner when discovering a new location.
Mod Exp Speech Modifies the EXP earned by the perk owner when passing a Charisma-based dialogue challenge.
Mod Explosion Force
Mod Falling Damage Modifier the damage that the perk owner will take upon falling far enough to be harmed.
Mod Fatigue for Fatigue AP Max
Mod Gun Range Mult Modifies the maximum distance for all projectiles that were launched by firearms used by the perk owner.
Mod Hacking Guesses Modifies the number of guesses the perk owner gets when playing the hacking minigame. Uses standard math functions to adjust the default value.
Mod Incoming Battery Damage Modifies the drain on a Fusion Core incurred by taking damage while in Power Armor.
Mod Incoming Explosion Damage Modifies all explosive damage taken by the perk owner.
Mod Incoming Limb Damage Modifies all limb damage taken by the perk owner.
Mod Incoming Spell Duration Adjusts the duration of spells and spell-like effects applied to the perk owner.
Mod Incoming Spell Magnitude Adjusts the magnitude of magic effects applied to the perk owner. (spells, shouts, weapon enchantments, etc.)
Mod Incoming Stagger Modifies the amount of stagger sustained by the perk owner when hit.
Mod Incoming Weapon Damage Modifies all incoming damage to the perk owner from weapons.
Mod ingredients harvested
Mod Initial Ingredient Effects Learned
Mod Kill Experience Modifies the experience earned from killing enemies.
Mod Lockpick Sweet Spot Modifies how wide the "sweet spot" for lockpicking is.
Mod lockpicking crime chance
Mod lockpicking key reward chance
Mod Max Placeable Mines
Mod Mine Explode Chance Modifies the likelihood that the perk owner will set off a mine when touching it.
Mod My Critical Hit Chance Modifies the chance that the perk owner has for perform a hipfire critical hit. By default, the Value for this is set to zero.
Mod My Critical Hit Damage Mult Modifies the amount of damage that the perk owner's critical hits do to targets.
Mod Outgoing Explosion Limb Damage
Mod Outgoing Limb Bash Damage Modifies the damage that the perk owner does to enemies' limbs when bashing them. The Basher perk shows an interesting use case: Rank 2 sets this to 999 if a GetRandomPercent condition is met, affording the player a chance to break an enemy's limb with a single bash.
Mod Outgoing Limb Damage Modifies the damage that the perk owner does to enemies' limbs.
Mod Percent Blocked
Mod Pickpocket Chance Modifies the chance for the perk owner to pickpocket another Actor, representing as a whole number. After all in-game bonuses and penalties are applied, the final chance to pickpocket with this Perk Entry Point is determined by fPickPocketMaxChance under GameSetting. Other similar values in GameSetting also influence what may be done with this formula.
Mod Player Explosion Damage Modifies the damage that actors take from explosions caused by the player.
Mod Player Explosion Scale Modifies the radius of explosions caused by the player.
Mod Player Intimidation
Mod Player Magic Slowdown
Mod Poison Dose Count
Mod Positive Chem Duration
Mod Power Attack Action Points Modifies the amount of Action Points that are used by the perk owner whenever they perform a Power Attack.
Mod Power Attack Damage Modifies the amount of damage that is dealt by the perk owner whenever they perform a Power Attack.
Mod Rads for Rad Health Max
Mod Recover Arrow Chance
Mod Recovered Health
Mod Reflect Damage Chance
Mod Restore Action Cost Value
Mod Ricochet Chance Examination of the vanilla Ricochet perk suggests that this entry point modifies the chance that any enemy's ranged weapon (including, unless excluded by conditions, grenades) will ricochet directly back at them.
Mod Ricochet Damage Examination of the vanilla Ricochet perk suggests that this entry point modifies the damage that all enemies take from ricocheting projectiles, including (unless excluded by conditions) grenades.
Mod Scope Hold Breath AP Drain Mult
Mod Scrap Reward Mult Modifies the amount of scrap that is given to the perk owner upon salvaging an object through the workshop or a workbench.
Mod Scrounger Fill Ammo Chance Modifies the chance that the perk owner will gain a full magazine upon expending all ammunition currently loaded into their gun.
Mod Secondary Value Weight
Mod Sell Prices Modifies the prices of items the perk owner sells to vendors.
Mod Shield Deflect Arrow Chance
Mod Sneak Attack Mult Modifies the damage multiplier applied to the perk owner's sneak attacks.
Mod Soul Pct Captured To Weapon
Mod Spell Casting Sound Event
Mod Spell Cost Affects casting cost of spells. (This probably also affects skill gain rates as a result.)
Mod Spell Duration Affects the duration of spells, potions, ingredients, enchantments, etcetera (anything with an "Effect List" in the Creation Kit)
Mod Spell Magnitude Affects the magnitude of spells and spell-like effects (see above)
Mod Spell Range (Target Loc.)
Mod Sprint AP Drain Rate Modifies the rate at which sprinting drains the perk owner's AP.
Mod Target Damage Resistance
Mod Target Stagger Adjusts the amount of stagger targets suffer when hit by this perk owner.
Mod Telekinesis Damage
Mod Telekinesis Damage Mult
Mod Telekinesis Distance
Mod Terminal Lockout Time Modifies the amount of time the perk owner will be locked out of a terminal after failing the hacking minigame.
Mod Typed Incoming Spell Magnitude
Mod Typed Incoming Weapon Damage Modifies the damage that the perk owner takes from weapons of a specific type. This entry point allows you to run the EPIsDamageType condition directly on the damage type.
Mod Typed Spell Magnitude
Mod Typed Weapon Attack Damage Modifies the amount of damage done by the perk owner with a specific type of damage, such as radiation.
Mod VATS Attack Action Points
Mod VATS Blitz Damage Bonus Dist Apparently used to scale VATS melee damage with the distance from which the attack is executed. The vanilla perks multiply the input value by 0.25. See also: Set VATS Blitz Max Dmg Mult.
Mod VATS Blitz Max Distance Modifies the perk owner's melee attack range when using VATS.
Mod VATS Concentrated Fire Chance Bonus Modifies the accuracy multiplier applied to consecutive VATS strikes to the same body part.
Mod VATS Concentrated Fire Damage Mult Modifies the damage multiplier applied to consecutive VATS strikes to the same body part.
Mod VATS Critical Charge Modifies the speed at which the perk owner can fill their Critical Shot bar.
Mod VATS Critical Count Modifies the amount of filled Critical Meters the perk owner may have, in addition to the game's default of 1.
Mod VATS Critical Fill Chance On Bank Provides the perk owner with a chance to fill an additional Critical Meter upon completely filling it once.
Mod VATS Critical Fill Chance On Use Provides the perk owner with a chance to gain another full Critical Meter upon expending a previously stocked Critical Meter.
Mod VATS Gun-Fu 2nd Target Damage Mult
Mod VATS Gun-Fu 3rd Target Damage Mult
Mod VATS Gun-Fu 4th+ Target Damage Mult
Mod VATS Head Shot Chance Modifies the perk owner's chances of getting headshots in VATS.
Mod VATS Hit Chance Modifies the chance of that the Player will hit a target in V.A.T.S.
Mod VATS Hold Em Steady Bonus
Mod VATS Penetration Min Visibility If the value is made non-zero, the perk owner will be able to target enemy body parts through obstacles, and their accuracy will be scaled by the value (i.e. 0.5 means you can target through obstructions with half accuracy).
Mod VATS Player AP On Kill Chance The exact function of this entry point is not known. The name implies that it dictates the chance of the perk owner fully restoring their action points upon killing an enemy in VATS; but vanilla content gives it a value of 999 and uses the GetRandomPercent condition to control the probability.

Multiple perks using this entry point appear to stack; vanilla content has each rank of the Grim Reaper's Sprint perk verify (in conditions) that the player doesn't have the next rank.

Mod VATS Reload Action Points Modifies the AP cost of reloading while in VATS.
Mod VATS Shoot Explosive Damage Mult Modifies the damage done to enemies when the perk owner detonates an explosive by shooting it in VATS.
Mod Ward Magicka Absorption Pct
Mod Weapon Attack Damage Modifies the amount of damage done by the perk owner with all attacks, and will directly edit the in-game statistics for such weapons.
Purify Alchemy Ingredients Modifies damage dealt by the perk owner, including unarmed and melee damage. Does not affect explosive damage dealt by the player.
Set Activate Label Change the default activate prompt shown when aiming at an object that can be activated.
Set Apply Placed Item
Set Boolean Graph Variable
Set Can Explode Pants Allows the perk owner to place a live grenade within the inventory of another Actor while attempting to pickpocket them.
Set Dual Cast
Set Fatigue to AP Mult
Set Filter Activation
Set Force Decapitate When the perk owner hits an enemy with a melee attack, the game engine will randomly check this entry point. If the entry point is checked and returns a non-zero value, the enemy that has been struck will be decapitated.

(Does this only work for melee attacks? It's used for the Big Leagues perk, to enable "Grand Slam" kills.)

Set Lockpick Starting Arc
Set Lockpicks Unbreakable Determines whether or not bobbypins used by the perk owner are broken upon failure to lockpick a container.
Set Max Carry Weight Modifies the perk owner's max carry weight using one of the standard math functions.
Set Pickpocket Equipped Item Allows the perk owner to remove items that are currently equipped by the Actor that they are attempting to pickpocket from.
Set Player Gate Hacking
Set Player Gate Lockpick
Set Progression Picking
Set Rads To Health Mult If this value is non-zero, then radiation will heal the perk owner instead of dealing rads. The value acts as a multiplier: a value of 0.5 means that every two rads that would be taken will instead restore 1HP.
Set Run While Overencumbered If set to a non-zero value, the perk owner can run (spending Action Points) while overencumbered.
Set Should Attack
Set Sweep Attack If set to a non-zero value, the perk owner's melee attacks will damage all enemies in front of them. By default, a melee attack can only damage one enemy at a time, even if it collides with multiple enemies.
Set Undetectable
Set VATS Blitz Max Dmg Mult Apparently used to cap the damage bonus granted by the Mod VATS Blitz Damage Bonus Dist entry point.
Set VATS Critical Fill on AP Reward
Set VATS Critical Fill on Stranger If the value is non-zero, the perk owner's critical bar will fill when the Mysterious Stranger kills on their behalf. This is typically combined with conditions like GetRandomPercent.
Set VATS Fill Critical Bar On Hit This entry point is checked when the perk owner hits a target with an attack in VATS; if the value is set to non-zero, the perk owner's critical bar will fill instantly. This is typically combined with conditions like GetRandomPercent.

Multiple perks using this entry point appear to stack; vanilla content has each rank of the perk verify (in conditions) that the player doesn't have the next rank.

Set VATS Gun-Fu Num Targets For Crits
Set VATS Penetration Full Damage
Show Grenade Trajectory If set to a non-zero value, the perk owner's grenade arc will be shown while they are preparing to throw a grenade (compare to typical third-person shooters).
VATS Apply Paralyzing Palm Spell