Acoustic Space

Type: ASPC
Papyrus: None

An Acoustic Space is used to define the audio properties of a Cell such as looping ambient sound effects and Reverb Parameters.

Editor DialogEdit


  • ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
  • Environment type: The Reverb Parameters preset the acoustic space will use.
  • Use Sounds From Region: Include sounds derived from the selected Region. The selected region's sounds will play back in the acoustic space. This is for interiors only.
  • Looping Sound: The sound that will be looped in this acoustic space. This is typically a stereo looping file to provide unique background noise.
  • IsInterior: If checked, the sound can be used in a trigger box in an exterior space to mimic an interior acoustic space.
  • Weather Attenuation:

See AlsoEdit