SetActorRefOwner - ObjectReference

Member of: ObjectReference Script

Sets a specific Actor (that is to say, an Actor reference, not an ActorBase) as the owner of this object.


Function SetActorRefOwner(Actor akActor, bool abNoCrime = false) native


  • akActor: The Actor to set as this object's owner. If None, will clear ownership.
  • abNoCrime: If true, taking this item is not considered a crime despite ownership.
    • Default: False

Return ValueEdit



; Clear ownership on the sword, which allows the player to take it without stealing it

; Set the Actor in NewOwnerProperty as the owner of the sword (other actors will "steal" it)

; Set the Actor in NewOwnerProperty as the owner of the sword, but it's not a crime if anyone else takes it.
SwordProperty.SetActorRefOwner(NewOwnerProperty, true)

See AlsoEdit