StartStackRootProfiling - Debug

Member of: Debug Script

Starts profiling all stacks that start in the specified script (and optionally object). Calls into said script from outside scripts are NOT profiled.


Function StartStackRootProfiling(string asScriptName, ScriptObject akObj = None) native global debugOnly


  • asScriptName: The name of the script to start profiling.
  • akObj: The object to limit the profiling to. If None, will profile all instances of the script in the game.
    • Default: None

Return ValueEdit



; Starts profiling all stacks that start in MySlowScript

; Starts profiling all stacks that start in MySlowScript, but only on MyObj
Debug.StartStackRootProfiling("MySlowScript", MyObj)


  • Profiling requires the "bEnableProfiling" flag in the "[Papyrus]" section of the ini file to be set to 1.
  • This is effectively the same as adding StartStackProfiling to every event in your script (except it will start profiling the stack before the event starts).
  • The profile files are stored in "<documents>/My Games/Fallout4/Logs/Script/Profiling".
  • This will also cycle the older profiling logs (so log 0 becomes 1, 1 becomes 2, etc).
  • If the stack root is already profiled nothing will change.
  • Profiling requests are not saved and will be reset if you load a save game.

See AlsoEdit