Data Window
The Data Window allows the Creation Kit to load Data Files and edit their meta data.
The window can be found under the title bar menu, File -> Data...
Editor Window
- Plugin/Master Files: A list of Data Files found in the data folder.
- Set as Active File: Sets the selected plugins Status to Active.
- Details...: Opens the File Details window.
- Created By: The author's name.
- Summary: A summary description of this Data File.
- Created On: The date & time this file was created on the file system.
- Last Modified: The date & time this file was last modified on the file system.
- Parent Masters: A list of master Data Files for the selected plugin.
- OK: Pressing ok will reload the entire editor with the selected Data Files and their masters.
- Cancel: Closes this window.
File Details
Working with Records
When you are using the Creation Kit, the records that you have edited in the currently active Data File will be marked with a * within the Object Window. To see all records a Data File changes or adds in a single list, do the following.
- Make sure the Data File is saved to disk.
- Then navigate to File -> Data... from the Creation Kit title bar menu.
- Highlight your Data File in the left pane, and press the Details... button.
- A separate window will then show the full list of records that the Data File adds or changes.
- Select any file and choose the Details... button.
The above method is the only way to get a full listing within the Creation Kit of your changes to a master files records, and additional records your plugin creates. It's worth noting that your additional records will have FormID's that are higher than those of the master files. The first 2 characters count up for each file loaded. So sorting by FormID, by clicking the column heading, becomes a useful tool too.
Removing Parent Masters
If a master file dependency needs to be removed from a plugin, the parent master list can be used. When a master dependency is removed from a plugin, all associated records & overrides will also be removed the next time the plugin is loaded. The Creation Kit will warn for each removed reference. The warning reads "MASTERFILE: Missing/Invalid base object for reference. This reference will be deleted." during load.
Before proceeding, beware the deletion is immediate and irreversible once the following keys are pressed, and a parent master selected. There is no confirmation dialog.
- Navigate to File -> Data... from the Creation Kit title bar menu.
- Highlight your Data File in the left pane.
- Using the Parent Masters file name list on the right side pane, highlight the master dependency intended for removal.
- With the dependency highlighted, press the Ctrl & Del keys.
Ignoring Records
If you see some records listed that you didn't intend to change, you can highlight them in the popup box and press the {{key press|Del} key. This will mark them with an I for ignored. The ignored records will be purged from your file the next time you save it.
More Info
This window is very tall and so requires some Microsoft Windows shortcuts to navigate. With the More Info window focused, press the Alt+Spacebar keys together to open the System Menu. Select the Move option and press the ↑ & ↓ arrow keys to navigate.