IsSeatOccupied - Actor

From the Fallout4 CreationKit Wiki
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Member of: Actor Script

Check if this actor (which should be a mount with multiple "seats") has any actor sitting in a particular seat or not. Note that this will not work for "vehicle drivers", like actors riding horses.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

bool Function IsSeatOccupied(keyword apKeyword) native

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • apKeyword: The keyword representing the seat we want to check

Return Value[edit | edit source]

True if the "seat" represented by apKeyword has an actor fully seated in it (note that actors in the process of getting onto or off of the seat won't count)

Examples[edit | edit source]

; Does the vertibird currently have a pilot?
if Vertibird.IsSeatOccupied(pilotSeatKeyword)
  Debug.Trace("The pilot is seated")

See Also[edit | edit source]