OnTutorialEvent - ScriptObject
Revision as of 21:03, 11 February 2018 by imported>Qazaaq (added category)
Member of: ScriptObject
Event called whenever a tutorial-related event occurs. This event will only be sent to the specific script that registered for it. Other scripts will not receive the event unless they also register. Once you receive an event you will be automatically unregistered.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Event OnTutorialEvent(String asEventName, Message aMessage)
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- asEventName - The event name.
- General
- "DetectionStateCautionEntered" - When the player enters CAUTION detection state while in sneak mode.
- "IronSightsEntered" - The player has entered iron sights gun view.
- "IronSightsExited" - The player has exited iron sights gun view.
- "MessageDoneDisplaying" - Sent whenever a help message goes inactive, meaning either the corresponding button was pressed or the message expired on its own.
- "SneakModeEntered" - When the player enters sneak mode.
- "SneakModeExited" - When the player exits sneak mode.
- "ThirdPersonEntered" - When the player enters third person mode.
- UI - General
- "LooksMenuFaceModeEntered" - The player has entered face mode in the looks menu.
- Terminals
- "HackingEntered" - The player has entered the hacking mini game.
- "HackingExited" - The player has exited the hacking mini game.
- "TerminalLockout" - The player has failed the Hacking mini game and has been locked out of the terminal.
- Workbenches
- "ArmorWorkbenchEntered" - The player has entered the armor workbench interface.
- "ArmorWorkbenchExited" - The player has exited the armor workbench interface.
- "WeaponsWorkbenchEntered" - The player has entered the weapons workbench interface.
- "WeaponsWorkbenchExited" - The player has exited the weapons workbench interface.
- "OnEnterWorkbenchMenuSlots" - The player has entered the slots page of the workbench interface.
- "OnEnterWorkbenchMenuMods" - The player has entered the mods page of the workbench interface.
- "OnEnterWorkbenchMenuComponents" - The player has entered the components page of the workbench interface.
- "PowerArmorWorkbenchEntered" - The player has entered the power armor workbench interface.
- "PowerArmorWorkbenchExited" - The player has exited the power armor workbench interface.
- "OnEnterChemWorkbench" - The player has entered the cooking workbench interface.
- "OnExitChemWorkbench" - The player has entered the cooking workbench interface.
- "OnEnterCookingWorkbench" - The player has entered the cooking workbench interface.
- "OnExitCookingWorkbench" - The player has entered the cooking workbench interface.
- "CookingSuccess" - The player has successfully created an item via the cooking interface.
- "ModdingSuccess" - The player has successfully modded an item via the modding interface.
- Containers
- "PickpocketingEntered" - When the player begins an attempt to pickpocket.
- "PickpocketingExited" - When the player exits an attempt to pickpocket.
- "PowerArmorTransferEntered" - The player has entered the container menu interface with a power armor furniture object.
- "PowerArmorTransferExited" - The player has exited the container menu interface with a power armor furniture object.
- Pipboy
- "OnEnterPipBoyFavorites" - The player has entered the Pipboy favorites menu.
- "OnEnterPipBoyStatusPage" - The player has entered the PipBoy Stat > Status page.
- "OnEnterPipBoyInvWeaponsPage" - The player has entered the PipBoy Inventory > Weapons page.
- "OnEnterPipBoyInvApparelPage" - The player has entered the PipBoy Inventory > Apparel page.
- "OnEnterPipBoyInvAidPage" - The player has entered the PipBoy Inventory > Aid page.
- "OnEnterPipBoyDataQuestPage" - The player has entered the PipBoy Data > Quest page.
- "OnEnterPipBoyMapPage" - The player has entered the PipBoy Map page.
- "OnEnterPipBoyRadioPage" - The player has entered the PipBoy Radio page.
- "OnExitPipBoyFavorites" - The player has exited the Pipboy favorites menu.
- "OnExitPipBoyStatTab" - When the player has changed the tab away from "Stat".
- "OnExitPipBoyInvTab" - When the player has changed the tab away from "Inv".
- "OnExitPipBoyDataTab" - When the player has changed the tab away from "Data".
- "OnExitPipBoyMapTab" - When the player has changed the tab away from "Map".
- "OnExitPipBoyRadioTab" - When the player has changed the tab away from "Radio".
- General
- aMessage - A message object associated with the event, if any.
- For "MessageDoneDisplaying" event, will be the message that finished.
Example[edit | edit source]
Function SomeFunction()
RegisterForTutorialEvent() ; Before we can use TutorialEvent we must register.
Event OnTutorialEvent(String asEventName, Message aMessage)
Debug.Trace("Event Name: " + aiFlavor)
Debug.Trace("Associated Message: " + aMessage)