Struct Reference

From the Fallout4 CreationKit Wiki
Revision as of 18:16, 10 August 2017 by imported>Qazaaq (Changed the structure array example)
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Structs are basically mini-objects that can hold several variables of different types, but cannot contain functions or events, and cannot extend any objects or other structs. However, like objects (and unlike structs is other languages) they are passed and held onto by reference, not by value. Structs may be used in arrays.

Defining a Struct

<struct> ::= 'struct' <identifier>
             <variable definition>+

A struct is defined by having its name on the line with the struct, followed by the list of variables the struct contains, and terminated with 'endStruct'. The variables inside a struct can be anything except another struct, an array, or a var. Struct variables also may not be defined as const. Unlike object variables, struct variables may have documentation strings attached.


; A struct containing two floats
struct Point
  float X
  float Y

; A struct containing a quest and a stage to set
struct QuestStage
  Quest QuestToSet
  {The quest whose stage is to be set}
  int StageToSet
  {The stage to set on the quest}

; A struct that will FAIL to compile
struct BadStruct
  Var MyVariable ; BAD - cannot contain var type variables
  int[] MyArray ; BAD - cannot contain arrays
  Point MyPoint ; BAD - cannot contain other structs
  float MyFloat const ; BAD - cannot have const variables

Struct Creation

<struct creation> ::= 'new' <struct type>

To create a struct, use the "new" keyword, followed by the type.

The initial value of each variable in the struct will be the default value specified for each member in the struct definition.

If you make a struct property, then the Creation Kit will create and set up the struct for you if the CK user gives it a value.

Note that this cannot appear in the script outside of a function.


; Create a new point structure.
Point myPoint = new Point

; Create an array of five new point structures.
Point[] array = new Point[5]
array[0] = new Point
array[1] = new Point
array[2] = new Point
array[3] = new Point
array[4] = new Point

Accessing Struct Types in Other Scripts

<struct type> ::= <script name> ':' <struct name>

You can access a struct type defined in another script by prefixing the name of the struct with the name of the script containing the struct, separating them with a colon. If you don't want to type in the script name all the type, you can use Import, just like with global functions.


; Assume Point struct is defined in MyScript
MyScript:Point myPoint = new MyScript:Point

Struct Members

<struct access> ::= <expression> '.' <member name>

To get a specific struct member, put its name after a dot, just like accessing a property on a script.


; get X element of a point
x = myPoint.X

; Set the quest stage contained in the "questStage" struct defined above