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Revision as of 00:29, 23 March 2023 by Scrivener07 (talk | contribs) (Added a description of the menu, the public document class members, and the BGS code object members for this menu.)
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The HUD Menu, or Heads-Up Display is an on-screen interface that provides players with essential information and quick access to various in-game elements. The HUD menu color and transparency may be customized by user preference.

The key components of the HUD menu are:

  • Health Bar: Located at the bottom center of the screen, the health bar represents the player's current health status. It depletes as the player takes damage and regenerates when the player heals.
  • Action Points (AP) Bar: Situated right above the health bar, the AP bar indicates the player's available action points, which are consumed when performing actions like sprinting, using VATS, or executing special attacks in melee combat.
  • Compass: Found at the bottom of the screen, the compass shows the direction the player is facing, along with markers for nearby locations, objectives, and enemies.
  • Ammo Counter: Displayed in the bottom right corner, the ammo counter shows the remaining ammunition for the currently equipped weapon, as well as the total ammunition in the player's inventory.
  • Weapon and Item Icons: The currently equipped weapon or item is represented by an icon on the lower right side of the screen.
  • Enemy Health and Status: When targeting an enemy, their health bar and any status effects (such as being crippled or poisoned) will appear at the top of the screen.
  • Experience Points (XP) and Level Progress: Upon gaining XP, a small progress bar appears at the top left corner of the screen, indicating the progress towards the next level.
  • Notifications: Temporary messages appear in the top left corner, notifying players of completed objectives, new quests, and other important information.
  • Quick Loot Menu: When looking at a container or a fallen enemy, a small menu appears, showing the items available for looting, allowing players to quickly grab the desired items.

AS3[edit | edit source]

  • var BGSCodeObj:Object
  • var FloatingQuestMarkerBase:MovieClip
  • var HUDNotificationsGroup_mc:MovieClip
  • var TopCenterGroup_mc:MovieClip
  • var TopRightGroup_mc:MovieClip
  • var CenterGroup_mc:MovieClip
  • var LeftMeters_mc:MovieClip
  • var BottomCenterGroup_mc:MovieClip
  • var SafeRect_mc:MovieClip
  • function onSetSafeRect() : void
  • function onCodeObjCreate() : *
  • function onCodeObjDestruction() : *

BGSCodeObj[edit | edit source]

  • function PlaySound()
  • function GetButtonFromUserEvent(param1:String, param2:Boolean)

See Also[edit | edit source]