OnPlayerCameraState - ScriptObject
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F4SE Member of: ScriptObject Script
Requires F4SE version 0.3.1 or higher.
Event called when the players camera state has changed. Register this script with RegisterForCameraState to receive the event.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Event OnPlayerCameraState(int aiOldState, int aiNewState)
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- aiOldState: The players old camera state.
- aiNewState: The players new camera state.
Camera States[edit | edit source]
- 0 - First Person
- 1 - Auto Vanity
- 2 - VATS
- 3 - Free
- 4 - Iron Sights
- 5 - Transition
- 6 - Tween Menu
- 7 - ThirdPerson1
- 8 - ThirdPerson2
- 9 - Furniture
- 10 - Horse
- 11 - Bleedout
- 12 - Dialogue
Examples[edit | edit source]
Event OnPlayerCameraState(int aiOldState, int aiNewState)
Debug.Trace("The new state is "+aiNewState+" and the old state is "+aiOldState)
Scriptname Example
int FirstPersonState = 0 const
int AutoVanityState = 1 const
int VATSState = 2 const
int FreeState = 3 const
int IronSightsState = 4 const
int TransitionState = 5 const
int TweenMenuState = 6 const
int ThirdPerson1State = 7 const
int ThirdPerson2State = 8 const
int FurnitureState = 9 const
int HorseState = 10 const
int BleedoutState = 11 const
int DialogueState = 12 const
Event OnInit()
Event OnPlayerCameraState(int aiOldState, int aiNewState)
If (aiNewState == FirstPersonState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the first person state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == AutoVanityState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the auto vanity state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == VATSState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the VATS state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == FreeState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the free state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == IronSightsState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the iron sights state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == TransitionState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the transition state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == TweenMenuState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the tween menu state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == ThirdPerson1State)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the third person 1 state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == ThirdPerson2State)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the third person 2 state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == FurnitureState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the furniture state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == HorseState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the horse state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == BleedoutState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the bleedout state.")
ElseIf (aiNewState == DialogueState)
Debug.Trace("The new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is the dialogue state.")
Debug.Trace("Something went wrong, the new camera state of "+aiNewState+" is out of range.")