ApplyMaterialSwap - ObjectReference
Revision as of 14:40, 11 February 2018 by imported>Qazaaq (removed incomplete flag)
F4SE Member of: ObjectReference Script
Requires F4SE version 0.6.5 or higher.
Applies a Material Swap to this reference, optionally renaming the material.
Syntax[edit | edit source]
MatSwap:RemapData[] Function ApplyMaterialSwap(MatSwap mSwap, bool renameMaterial = false) Native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- mSwap: The Material Swap applied to this reference.
- renameMaterial: Rename material allows independent control over the Initialization File setting
.- Default: false
Return Value[edit | edit source]
- Returns the source/target RemapData pairs that succeeded in swapping.
Examples[edit | edit source]