OnClose - ObjectReference
Revision as of 16:18, 16 August 2010 by imported>Plplecuyer (Created page with 'Category:Scripting Category:Papyrus Category:Events '''Member of:''' ObjectReference Script Event called when the object has finished closing. (Like a door that …')
Member of: ObjectReference Script
Event called when the object has finished closing. (Like a door that has finished animating shut)
Syntax[edit | edit source]
Event OnClose(ObjectReference akActionRef)
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- akActionRef: The reference that caused us to close.
Examples[edit | edit source]
Event OnClose(ObjectReference akActionRef)
if (akActionRef == Game.GetPlayer())
Debug.Trace("We were closed by the player")
Debug.Trace("Someone (or something) else closed us")