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Default script used for checking if this actor is Killed, and optionally what Killed it.

Required Properties[edit | edit source]

Quest MyQuest
{Quest containing the Stage to Set}
Int StageToSet
{Stage to Set}

Optional Properties[edit | edit source]

Bool UseOnDyingInstead
{OPTIONAL: Default = FALSE, If TRUE then StageToSet will be set when OnDying() event is sent, which happens the second this actor dies, not a 
few seconds after they are dead, which is when OnDeath() gets sent.}

ObjectReference[] KilledByReferences 
{OPTIONAL: Stage will be set if Killed by any of these references.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Killed by anybody.}

ReferenceAlias[] KilledByAliases 
{OPTIONAL: Stage will be set if Killed by any of these aliases.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Killed by anybody.}

Faction[] KilledByFactions 
{OPTIONAL: Stage will be set if Killed by any of these factions.
If ALL arrays are empty then stage is set if Killed by anybody.}

Debug Properties[edit | edit source]

Bool ShowTraces
{Default = FALSE, Set to TRUE if you want the traces in this script to show up in the log.}