Sound Category
Revision as of 12:33, 8 February 2024 by Oddlittleturtle (talk | contribs) (→Editor Dialog: formatting, filled in blanks of what I think I know.)
Type: SNCT
Papyrus: SoundCategory Script
The Sound Category object is found within the Object Window under the Audio Category. Defines the categories used by Sound Descriptors and other audio forms.
Editor Dialog[edit | edit source]
- ID: The ID, also referred to as Editor ID, is used by the Creation Kit to uniquely identify this record within a Data File.
- Name: This object's name as it will appear within user interface menus or when the player looks at it.
- Categorize Sounds:
- Categorize Categories:
Categories[edit | edit source]
- Parent Cat:
- Menu Slider Cat:
Checkboxes[edit | edit source]
- Mute When Submerged: If player is underwater, mute the category.
- Should Appear on Menu: Category is listed on the UI.
- Immune to Time Speedup: Will play at normal speed while time is sped up, such as music playing during VATS mode. Leave unchecked if VATS time affects sound category.
- Pause During Menus (Immed): Will not play during menu. If playing when Menu is selected, the sound playing immediately stops.
- Pause During Menu (Fade): Will not play during menu. If play when Menu is selected, the sound playing will fade out.
- Pause During Start Menu: Will not play during menu.
- Exclude from Player OPM Override:
Modifiers[edit | edit source]
- Static Volume Multiplier:
- Default Menu Value:
- Min Frequency Multiplier:
- Sidechain Target Multiplier:
- Push to Game: Only available with Version Control enabled.