CommonArrayFunctions Script
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Collection of generic array processing global functions (non-native).
Definition[edit | edit source]
ScriptName CommonArrayFunctions
Properties[edit | edit source]
Global Functions[edit | edit source]
- bool Function CheckActorAgainstFactionArray(Actor ObjectToCheck, Faction[] ArrayToCheck, bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty)
- Loops through an array of Factions and checks if the specified actor in in any of them.
- bool Function CheckFormAgainstArray(Form FormToCheck, Form[] ArrayToCheck, bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty)
- Checks to see if the passed in form is in the array.
- bool Function CheckLocationAgainstArray(Location ObjectToCheck, Location[] ArrayToCheck, bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty, bool matchIfChildLocation)
- Checks to see if the location is in the array (or optionally is a child of a location in the array)
- bool Function CheckLocationAgainstLocationAliasArray(Location ObjectToCheck, LocationAlias[] ArrayToCheck, bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty, bool matchIfChildLocation)
- Checks to see if the location is in one of the aliases in the array (or optionally is a child of one of the locations)
- bool Function CheckObjectAgainstKeywordArray(ObjectReference ObjectToCheck, Keyword[] ArrayToCheck, bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty)
- Loops through an array of Keywords and checks if the specified ObjectReference has any of them.
- bool Function CheckObjectReferenceAgainstArray(ObjectReference ObjectToCheck, ObjectReference[] ArrayToCheck, bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty)
- Loops through an ObjectReference array and checks if the specified objectReference matches any of the items in the array.
- bool Function CheckObjectReferenceAgainstReferenceAliasArray(ObjectReference ObjectToCheck, ReferenceAlias[] ArrayToCheck, bool returnValueIfArrayIsEmpty)
- Loops through an array of ReferenceAliases and checks if any of them have the specified objectReference in them.
- int Function FindInReferenceAliasArray(ObjectReference ObjectToCheck, ReferenceAlias[] ArrayToCheck)
- Checks each alias in the array for one containing the specified reference
- Faction Function GetFirstFoundFactionInArrayForActor(Actor ActorToCheck, Faction[] ArrayToCheck)
- Returns the first faction in the array the actor is a member of
- Keyword Function GetFirstFoundKeywordInArrayForLocation(Location LocationToCheck, Keyword[] ArrayToCheck)
- Returns the first keyword in the array that the location has
- bool Function IsActorInArrayHostileToActor(Actor ActorToCheck, ObjectReference[] ArrayToCheck)
- Returns if any actor in the array is hostile to the passed in actor
Member Functions[edit | edit source]
Events[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
To call functions on this script, you must either name the script in the function call, or import the script.
if CommonArrayFunctions.CheckActorAgainstFactionArray(myObject, myFactions)
;do something
import CommonArrayFunctions
Function SomeFunction()
if CheckActorAgainstFactionArray(myObject, myFactions)
;do something