FindInReferenceAliasArray - CommonArrayFunctions
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Member of: CommonArrayFunctions Script
Finds the reference in the alias array and returns the index (or < 0 if not found)
Syntax[edit | edit source]
int Function FindInReferenceAliasArray(ObjectReference ObjectToCheck, ReferenceAlias[] ArrayToCheck) global
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- ObjectToCheck: The reference to look for
- ArrayToCheck: The aliases to look in
Return Value[edit | edit source]
- Index of the alias containing the object.
- < 0 if the object was none, the array was none, the array was empty, or the object wasn't found.
Examples[edit | edit source]
int index = CommonArrayFunctions.FindInReferenceAliasArray(Dogmeat, SettlerAliases)
if index >= 0
SettlerAliases[index].ForceRefTo(None) ; Pop dogmeat out of the alias