Biped Slots

These are the Biped Slots used by human actors.

Index Slot Name
0 30 Hair Top
1 31 Hair Long
2 32 FaceGen Head
3 33 BODY
4 34 L Hand
5 35 R Hand
6 36 [U] Torso
7 37 [U] L Arm
8 38 [U] R Arm
9 39 [U] L Leg
10 40 [U] R Leg
11 41 [A] Torso
12 42 [A] L Arm
13 43 [A] R Arm
14 44 [A] L Leg
15 45 [A] R Leg
16 46 Headband
17 47 Eyes
18 48 Beard
19 49 Mouth
20 50 Neck
21 51 Ring
22 52 Scalp
23 53 Decapitation
24 54 Unnamed
25 55 Unnamed
26 56 Unnamed
27 57 Unnamed
28 58 Unnamed
29 59 Shield
30 60 Pipboy
31 61 FX
32 * Possibly Weapons
33 * Possibly Weapons
34 * Possibly Weapons
35 * Possibly Weapons
36 * Possibly Weapons
37 * Possibly Weapons
38 * Possibly Weapons
39 * Possibly Weapons
40 * Possibly Weapons
41 * Possibly Weapons
42 * Possibly Weapons
43 * Possibly Weapons


  • Index:The index of the Biped Object.
  • Slot: The slot number of the Biped Object.
  • Name: The name of the Biped Object.
  • [U] Slots named with [U] are equipped under slots named with [A].
  • [A] Slots named with [A] are equipped over slots named with [U], and are displayed while in third person.


  • Hair Long: Different parts of a character's hairstyle.
  • FaceGen Head: The character's customized face. ArmorAddons that totally cover the head, such as AA_RaiderHeavy_Helmet (part of Helmeted Cage Armor), should be set to cover body part to prevent faces from being rendered (and possibly clipping through the armor).
  • Any Body Part: [U] slots should be used by under armors that cover the body part, like Vault suits.
  • Any Body Part: [A] slots should be used by "above-armors" that cover the body part, like Combat Armor.

See AlsoEdit