GetWornItemMods - Actor

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F4SE Member of: Actor Script
Requires F4SE version 0.2.0 or higher.

Obtains all the Object Mods for an item at a particular Biped Slot.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

ObjectMod[] Function GetWornItemMods(int slotIndex) Native

Parameters[edit | edit source]

Return Value[edit | edit source]

An array of all Object Mods obtained from the given Biped Slot index, returns none if there is no item.

Examples[edit | edit source]

; Get the players left hand object mods.
ObjectMod[] objectMods = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornItemMods(4)

{For each object mod}
int LeftHand = 4 const
ObjectMod[] objectMods = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornItemMods(LeftHand)
If (objectMods)
    int index = 0
    While (index < objectMods.Length)
        Debug.Trace("Found the object mod '" + objectMods[index] + "' on slot index " + LeftHand)
        index += 1
    Debug.Trace("Slot index " + LeftHand + " had no object mods.")

Notes[edit | edit source]


See Also[edit | edit source]