Category talk:Entry Points

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  • ( "Allow Mount Actor", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Calculate Weapon Damage", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Calculate My Critical Hit Chance", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Calculate My Critical Hit Damage", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Calculate Mine Explode Chance", pPerkOwnerMine, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Adjust Limb Damage", pPerkOwnerAttackerWeapon, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Adjust Book Skill Points", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Recovered Health", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Get Should Attack", pPerkOwnerAttacker, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Buy Prices", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Add Leveled List On Death", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::LEVELED_LIST_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Get Max Carry Weight", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Addiction Chance", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Addiction Duration", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Positive Chem Duration", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Activate", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::ACTIVATE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Ignore Running During Detection", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Ignore Broken Lock", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Enemy Critical Hit Chance", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Sneak Attack Mult", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Max Placeable Mines", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Bow Zoom", pPerkOwnerWeapon, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Recover Arrow Chance", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Skill Use", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Telekinesis Distance", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Telekinesis Damage Mult", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Telekinesis Damage", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Bashing Damage", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Power Attack Stamina", pPerkOwnerWeapon, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Power Attack Damage", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Spell Magnitude", pPerkOwnerSpellTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Spell Duration", pPerkOwnerSpellTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Secondary Value Weight", pPerkOwnerSpellTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Armor Weight", pPerkOwnerItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Incoming Stagger", pPerkOwnerAttacker, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Target Stagger", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Attack Damage", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Incoming Damage", pPerkOwnerAttackerWeapon, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Target Damage Resistance", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Spell Cost", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Percent Blocked", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Shield Deflect Arrow Chance", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Incoming Spell Magnitude", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Incoming Spell Duration", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Player Intimidation", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Player Reputation", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Favor Points", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Bribe Amount", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Detection Light", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Detection Movement", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Soul Gem Recharge", pPerkOwnerItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Set Sweep Attack", pPerkOwnerWeapon, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Apply Combat Hit Spell", pPerkOwnerWeaponTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::SELECT_SPELL_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Apply Bashing Spell", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::SELECT_SPELL_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Apply Reanimate Spell", pPerkOwnerSpellTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::SELECT_SPELL_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Set Boolean Graph Variable", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::SET_BOOLEAN_GRAPH_VARIABLE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Spell Casting Sound Event", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Pickpocket Chance", pPerkOwnerTargetItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Detection Sneak Skill", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Falling Damage", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Lockpick Sweet Spot", pPerkOwnerLockedRef, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Sell Prices", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Can Pickpocket Equipped Item", pPerkOwnerTargetItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Lockpick level allowed", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Set Lockpick Starting Arc", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Set Progression Picking", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Make lockpicks unbreakable ", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Alchemy Effectiveness", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Apply Weapon Swing Spell", pPerkOwnerAttackerWeapon, BGSEntryPointFunction::SELECT_SPELL_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Commanded Actor Limit", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Apply Sneaking Spell", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::SELECT_SPELL_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Player Magic Slowdown", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Ward Magicka Absorption Pct",pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Initial Ingredient Effects Learned",pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Purify Alchemy Ingredients", pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Filter Activation", pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Can dual cast spell", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Tempering Health", pPerkOwnerItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Enchantment Power", pPerkOwnerEnchantmentItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Soul Pct Captured to Weapon",pPerkOwnerTargetItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Soul Gem Enchanting", pPerkOwnerEnchantmentItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod # applied enchantments allowed",pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Set Activate Label" ,pPerkOwnerTarget, BGSEntryPointFunction::SET_TEXT_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Shout OK" ,pPerkOwner, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Mod Poison Dose Count" ,pPerkOwnerWeaponSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Should Apply Placed Item" ,pPerkOwnerTargetItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Armor Rating" ,pPerkOwnerItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify lockpicking crime chance", pPerkOwnerLockedRef, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify ingredients harvested", pPerkOwnerItem, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Spell Range (Target Loc.)", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify Potions Created", pPerkOwnerSpell, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },
  • ( "Modify lockpicking key reward chance", pPerkOwnerLockedRef, BGSEntryPointFunction::VALUE_FUNCTION },