GetAngleZ - ObjectReference

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Member of: ObjectReference Script

Gets this object's rotation around the z axis.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

float Function GetAngleZ() native

Parameters[edit | edit source]


Return Value[edit | edit source]

This object's rotation around the z axis, in degrees.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Debug.Trace("We are rotated " + GetAngleZ() + " degrees around the Z axis")

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • Note that standard mathematical notation has 0 starting on the x-axis, rather than the y-axis, and increases counter-clockwise, not clockwise. Trigonometry (see Math Script) with the Z angle thus requires using the following conversion formula:
float GameAngleZ  ;the game's version
float TrigAngleZ ;the rest of the world's interpretation of the same
GameAngleZ = Game.GetPlayer().GetAngleZ()
if ( GameAngleZ < 90 )
  TrigAngleZ = 90 - GameAngleZ
  TrigAngleZ = 450 - GameAngleZ

See Also[edit | edit source]