GetInstalledLightPlugins - Game

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F4SE Member of: Game Script
Requires F4SE version 0.5.0 or higher.

Placeholder Description.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

PluginInfo[] Function GetInstalledLightPlugins() Native Global

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • None

Return Value[edit | edit source]

Struct PluginInfo
	int index
	string name
	string author
	string description

Examples[edit | edit source]

; get array of installed light plugins
Game:PluginInfo[] Plugins = Game.GetInstalledLightPlugins()
int i = 0

while ( i < Plugins.Length )
	Debug.Trace("Light Plugin: " + Plugins[i].name + " at index: " + Plugins[i].index+ ":" + i + " is by " + Plugins[i].author)
	Debug.Trace("description : " + Plugins[i].description)
	i += 1

; Note:
; member index will always be 0xFE.
; array index = plugin index

See Also[edit | edit source]