OnItemRemoved - ObjectReference

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Member of: ObjectReference Script

Event received when an item is removed from this object's container. Only arrives if it matches an inventory filter in place on the script receiving the event.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)

Parameters[edit | edit source]

  • akBaseItem: The base object for the item that was removed from this container.
  • aiItemCount: The number of items removed from this container.
  • akItemReference: The specific reference removed from the container, if any. Will be None if a non-persistant object is removed.
  • akDestContainer: The container that the object(s) went to. If None, then the object was dropped into the world.

Examples[edit | edit source]

Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer)
  if !akDestContainer
    Debug.Trace("I dropped " + aiItemCount + "x " + akBaseItem + " into the world")
  elseif akDestContainer == Game.GetPlayer()
    Debug.Trace("I gave the player " + aiItemCount + "x " + akBaseItem)
    Debug.Trace("I gave " + aiItemCount + "x " + akBaseItem + " to another container")

Notes[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]