OnPlayerLoadGame - Actor

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Member of: Actor Script

Event called when the player loads a save game. This event is only sent to the player actor.

Syntax[edit | edit source]

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()

Parameters[edit | edit source]


Examples[edit | edit source]

The player is unique in that it is almost always bad practice to modify the Actor form directly. This is due to compatibily reasons concerning The Rule of One. There are several techniques to avoid violating this rule.

Example[edit | edit source]

This example is straight forward but violates The Rule of One because it requires the player Actor to be modified.

Scriptname Example extends Actor

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
    Debug.TraceSelf(self, "OnPlayerLoadGame", "The player actor has reloaded the game.")

Alternative[edit | edit source]

A ReferenceAlias or ActiveMagicEffect will receive events from the Actor they are attached to.

A quest alias pointed at the player

Scriptname Example extends ReferenceAlias

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
    Debug.TraceSelf(self, "OnPlayerLoadGame", "The player actor has reloaded the game.")

A magic effect on the player

Scriptname Example extends ActiveMagicEffect

Event OnPlayerLoadGame()
    Debug.TraceSelf(self, "OnPlayerLoadGame", "The player actor has reloaded the game.")

Remoting[edit | edit source]

With Remote Papyrus Event Registration, this event may also be handled from any script object.

Scriptname Example extends ScriptObject

Event OnInit()
    RegisterForRemoteEvent(Game.GetPlayer(), "OnPlayerLoadGame")
    Debug.TraceSelf(self, "Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame", "This script has initialized and is now listening for the 'OnPlayerLoadGame' event.")

Event Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame(Actor akSender)
    Debug.TraceSelf(self, "Actor.OnPlayerLoadGame", "The player actor has reloaded.")

Notes[edit | edit source]

  • This event will fire for the first time on the next load. See also OnInit.

See Also[edit | edit source]