RFindStruct - Array
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Member of: All Arrays
Locates a particular value in a struct inside an array and returns the index, starting from the end of the array, and moving to the beginning
Syntax[edit | edit source]
int Function RFindStruct(StructVarName asVarName, ;/var type/; akElement, int aiStartIndex = -1) native
Parameters[edit | edit source]
- asVarName: The name of the struct variable to compare with
- akElement: The element to locate
- aiStartIndex: Where to start the search
- Default: -1
Return Value[edit | edit source]
The index of the struct in the array with the matching value, or a negative value if it was not found.
Examples[edit | edit source]
if (MyPointArray.RFindStruct("X", 1) < 0)
Debug.Trace("Did not find a point with an X of 1 in the array")
int firstPosition = MyPointArray.RFind("Y", 10)
Debug.Trace("Found the last point with an Y of 10 at position " + firstPosition)
int secondPosition = MyPointArray.RFind("Y", 10, firstPosition + 1)
Debug.Trace("Found the second last point with an Y of 10 at position " + secondPosition)