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321 bytes added ,  09:12, 7 July 2016
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*Function [[PushActorAway - ObjectReference|PushActorAway]](Actor akActorToPush, int aiKnockbackDamage)
*Function [[PushActorAway - ObjectReference|PushActorAway]](Actor akActorToPush, int aiKnockbackDamage)
**Pushes the other actor away from this object as if hit by the specified amount of knockback damage.
**Pushes the other actor away from this object as if hit by the specified amount of knockback damage.
*int Function RaidTargetsAvailable(Keyword akActionKW, Message astrConfirm, Location aLocToHighlight, FormList akIncludeKeywordList, FormList akExcludeKeywordList, bool abExcludeZeroPopulation, bool abOnlyOwnedWorkshops, bool abTurnOffHeader, bool abOnlyPotentialVassalSettlements, bool abDisableReservedByQuests) native
*bool Function [[RampRumble - ObjectReference|RampRumble]](float power, float duration, float falloff)
*bool Function [[RampRumble - ObjectReference|RampRumble]](float power, float duration, float falloff)
**Shakes cam/controller based on distance from player
**Shakes cam/controller based on distance from player
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