Talk:GetPositionX - ObjectReference

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I was bored. Local positions is the an objects getpositionXYZ converted into positions in the cell that they're in. For example if the an object's X was 13,000 then their local X is 712. Basically it's how far along the object is on the x and y axis 'of the cell', not the global x and y axis..

Float[] Function GetLocalPositions(Float afPosX =0.0, Float afPosY=0.0, Float afPosZ=0.0)
	; return an array of an object's LOCAL positions within a single cell.
	; Optionally can be used to plug in known x, y, z GLOBAL positions.
	; Note: If you're in the origin cell, your global and local positions are equal.
	Float[] LocalPositions = new Float[3]
	LocalPositions[0] = GetLocalPositionX(afPosX)
	LocalPositions[1] = GetLocalPositionY(afPosY)
	LocalPositions[2] = GetLocalPositionZ(afPosZ)

return LocalPositions

Float Function GetLocalPositionX(Float posX)
	if posX < 0	
	    return posX - ((posX / 4096) as int * 4096 * -1)

	return posX - ((posX / 4096) as int * 4096)

Float Function GetLocalPositionY(Float posY)
	if posY < 0	
            return posY - ((posY / 4096) as int * 4096 * -1)
	return posY - ((posY / 4096) as int * 4096)

Float Function GetLocalPositionZ(Float posZ)
	if posZ < 0	
	   return posZ - ((posZ / 4096) as int * 4096 * -1)
	return posZ - ((posZ / 4096) as int * 4096)

--Lisselli (talk) 2021-04-04T01:16:15 (EDT)