Talk:Terminal Fragments

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Pretty sad and disappointing, that you can't call functions from other scripts through terminal fragments. I don't see the reason for this restriction, when you're allowed to call native functions(additem, etc) which are all called from scripts.(rant) --Lisselli (talk) 2017-05-12T13:28:35 (EDT)

Are you sure that is an actual restriction on fragments? This compiles just fine for me.
;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end comment
Scriptname Fragments:Terminals:TERM_MyTerminal_00000802 Extends Terminal Hidden Const
;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_Terminal_01
Function Fragment_Terminal_01(ObjectReference akTerminalRef)
;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment
AssaultronHeadModStealthScript Property Script Auto Const Mandatory
What kind of error or result are you getting?Scrivener07 (talk) 2017-05-13T22:20:47 (EDT)
The error was the usual "no alternative found at "Function", if I create a function in the fragment, and, "QuestName.FunctionName() is not a variable or function"(something to that effect, if it's function from another script, in this case a quest script. But I did not try using the actual script property as you did, and I realize the mistake I made from that. I forgot to cast the quest as the questscript(QuestName as QuestScript) -.-. Well thanks for that. --Lisselli (talk) 2017-05-14T02:12:34 (EDT)